Meet the Companies We Back

Your journey is our journey, from the first investment to the final milestone.

Carter Malloy
Natasha Vernier
Lindsey Goodchild
Farhad Massoudi
Eyal Benishti
Alasdair McLean-Foreman
David Blake
Amos Stern
Vishal Sunak
Lance Neuhauser
Carter Malloy
Jonas Hellgren
Marc Bernstein
Ashish Rangnekar
Mike Belshe
Eric Demuth
Josh McCarter
Natasha Vernier
Mooly Sagiv
Pete Casady
Michael Watts
Sumit Gupta
Joseph Lubin
Itay Malinger
Arik Solomon
David Blake
Mike Alfred
Roy Erlich
Travis Schwab
Dan Sharplin
Josh Lefkowitz
Ziv Binyamini
Siddarth Satish
Vineet Gulati
Geoff Brown
Matt Bernstein
Thomas Wilde
Eyal Benishti
Kevin Kohn
Vishal Sunak
Eric Allen
Matt Kunkel
Hani Elias
Brian Barnes
Dmitry Shapiro
Trevor Dryer
Stuart Frankel
Rich Lee
Pelle Braendgaard
Alan Snyder
Lindsey Goodchild
Michael Shomer Schwartz
Neha Singh
Arlo Gilbert
Nishu Thukral
Anand Gomes
Justin Whitehead
Bill Harris
Brandon Millman
David George
Dana Hayes Jr.
Itamar Golan
Jeff Hargroves
Jayant Krishnamurthy
Alex Bradford
Adam Siegel
Joe Fuca
Joris Poort
Srinivas Mukkamala
Bruno Andrade
Jon Sobel
Peter Platzer
Alexander Kane
John Sun
Bob Ogdon
Surbhi Rathore
Alasdair McLean-Foreman
Sasha Kipervarg
Seth Meyer
Tom Sosnoff
Eytan Daniyalzade
Denis Globa
Benjamin Verschuere
Esteban Castano
Jessica Murphy
Farhad Massoudi
Yan Liu
Adam Hirsen
Brent Rasmussen
Kian Katanfaroosh
Will Warren
Carter Malloy
Jonas Hellgren
Marc Bernstein
Ashish Rangnekar
Mike Belshe
Eric Demuth
Mooly Sagiv
Sumit Gupta
Joseph Lubin
Arik Solomon
David Blake
Travis Schwab
Dan Sharplin
Ziv Binyamini
Geoff Brown
Thomas Wilde
Eyal Benishti
Kevin Kohn
Vishal Sunak
Eric Allen
Matt Kunkel
Brian Barnes
Dmitry Shapiro
Rich Lee
Pelle Braendgaard
Alan Snyder
Michael Shomer Schwartz
Neha Singh
Arlo Gilbert
Anand Gomes
Justin Whitehead
Brandon Millman
David George
Dana Hayes Jr.
Itamar Golan
Jayant Krishnamurthy
Alex Bradford
Joe Fuca
Joris Poort
Jon Sobel
Alexander Kane
John Sun
Surbhi Rathore
Alasdair McLean-Foreman
Sasha Kipervarg
Seth Meyer
Eytan Daniyalzade
Denis Globa
Benjamin Verschuere
Esteban Castano
Jessica Murphy
Yan Liu
Brent Rasmussen
Kian Katanfaroosh
Will Warren