Tarun Gupta


Tarun Gupta
Always Interested In
  • Fintech Compliance
  • Lending Software / Tools
  • Payments
  • Fintech Infrastructure
Currently Hunting
  • Payment / Wire Fraud
  • Debt Management
  • Cross-Border Payments & Trade
Learning More About
  • FX Trading Infrastructure
  • Real-Time Payments
  • Modernizing Payments Infrastructure
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Talk to me about:

Solutions that focus on the back office tech stack in financial services

During COVID, the focus was on revenue and user growth, often neglecting compliance and risk management. Now, fintechs are seeing the value of strong internal governance. A robust back office tech stack can set businesses on the path to sustainable growth by ensuring compliance and mitigating risks, differentiating them in the market.

The impending consumer credit crisis

Despite rising interest rates and credit card bills, consumer delinquency and default rates remain near record lows. If these rates increase, lenders and financial institutions will need to engage past-due customers more strategically to manage potential delinquencies effectively.

Automation in lending through technology and the role of Gen AI

Many lending tasks are still manual, leading to inefficiencies. Technology, especially Generative AI, can make a meaningful impact by automating these processes in a compliant manner. Gen AI can streamline workflows, reduce errors, and enhance predictive analytics, improving efficiency and effectiveness in lending operations.


My career started in investment banking, where I specialized in M&A advisory work. This provided me with a strong skill set, but I craved a more hands-on role in making investment decisions. So, I transitioned to corporate development at Scientific Games, where I helped complete eight acquisitions in four years. Despite this success, I felt a disconnect from the growth that happened after these acquisitions.

Venture capital felt like a natural next step for me. It allowed me to combine my investment interests with my passion for getting deeply involved in early-stage businesses. I love working directly with entrepreneurs who are building cutting-edge technology and being a part of their growth journeys.

My focus in venture capital has been on fintech. I believe financial services need meaningful improvement, and this sector has a pervasive impact on everyone. It’s an incredibly exciting area for tech innovation, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.