Yelena Shkolnik


Yelena Shkolnik
Always Interested In
  • Consumer Finance
  • Consumerizing B2B Software
  • Modernizing Legacy Infrastructure
Currently Hunting
  • Enterprise Legal Tech
  • Capital Markets Infrastructure
  • Financial Planning
  • Modern Wealth Management
Learning More About
  • Securities Lending
  • Licensing & Royalty Payments
  • Embedded Commerce
Partners with
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Talk To Me About

My common thread has largely been a fascination with changing consumer appetites and the intersecting trendlines that translate those preferences into disruption. For example, how media appetites meet evolving studio economics to grow new platforms, or how risk/entertainment appetites meet new asset classes and commission structures to develop new financial institutions. Also, how those appetites create strain and opportunity in the infrastructure of whole industries, or how increasingly consumer-like enterprise buyers balance their preferences against internal priorities and evolving capabilities.


I started my career in investment banking at UBS and then moved to film finance at DreamWorks. However, shifts in media pulled me to venture capital—it was too hard to sit still while all of entertainment was changing around me. So, I hopped to the investing side to be an active part of this transformation. Since then, I’ve had the joy of working with several funds across different stages before finding my home with the wonderful folks at Jump.

I still find it remarkable that someone pays me to sit around and think about the future; it’s even more amazing that they foot the bill for me to talk to all the brilliant minds out there building it.